“Thought — caught in the act!” is a random sampling of even more random thoughts. The topics can cover almost any thing and everything from technology, startups, politics, current events, rants and other musings.
It’s that time of the year again. I dislike this time of the year for just one reason — the amount of hassle and time involved in pulling together papers for taxes. It’s worse when you have multiple entities to deal with. I once asked an accountant why the US tax system is so screwed up. His response was beautiful: “Job security.” The odds that the tax system here will ever be simplified is so remote that hell will freeze over first.
I received the following quotes in an email from my personal tax accountant, Buzz Rose from B. Rose CPA. I enjoyed reading them, and so figured they would be worth sharing here (with Buzz’s permission of course):
“Worried about an IRS audit? Avoid what’s called a red flag. That’s something the IRS always looks for. For example, let’s say you have some money left in your bank account after paying taxes. That’s a red flag.”
Jay Leno
“The only difference between a taxman and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.”
Mark Twain
“The difference between death and taxes is death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.”
Will Rogers
“Two years ago it was impossible to get through on the phone to the IRS. Now it’s just hard to get through. That’s progress.”
Charles Rossotti (former IRS Commissioner)
” A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.”
G. Gordon Liddy
“Day in and day out, your tax accountant can make or lose you more money than any single person in your life, with the possible exception of your kids.”
Harvey Mackay
“If you get up early, work late, and pay your taxes, you will get ahead – if you strike oil.”
J. Paul Getty
“If you are truly serious about preparing your child for the future, don’t teach him to subtract – teach him to deduct.”
Fran Lebowitz
“The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward.”
John Maynard Keynes
“I love America, but I can’t spend the whole year here. I can’t afford the taxes.”
Mick Jagger
“On my income tax 1040 it says ‘Check this box if you are blind.’ I wanted to put a check mark about three inches away.”
Tom Lehrer
” I just filled out my income tax forms. Who says you can’t get killed by a blank?”
Milton Berle
“The taxpayer – that’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.”
Ronald Reagan
“The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government.”
(Note: This post was originally posted on the K9 Ventures blog. I am cross-posting it here.)
Rajeev Motwani
I was in complete disbelief when I read the first tweet yesterday evening that Stanford Computer Science professor Rajeev Motwani had passed away. I was still incredulous and hoping that it was untrue until the sad news was verified in a email sent to the department. Even now as I write this with Rajeev’s picture on my screen, it’s still hard to believe.
In March of this year Rajeev agreed to be an advisor to K9 Ventures. I was very excited to have Rajeev on board as an advisor for K9 and as a personal mentor. His untimely passing is a shock that will reverberate through Stanford and the Valley.
My introduction to Rajeev began as a student in the PhD program at Stanford CS. Rajeev was the head of the PhD program when I joined, and he was the defacto advisor to all incoming students until they found their own advisor. He was responsible for making sure that every student find a new home within the department in a timely manner. I can still remember Rajeev’s advice to all the students — that your only job in the first quarter is to find an advisor. And to not worry about requirements like Comprehensive Exams and Qualifying Exams and focus on the research. His mandate to us was that a PhD should make an incremental contribution to human knowledge. That phrase stuck in the back of my head throughout my PhD work and proved to be a good filter to test potential thesis topics.
Even Rajeev didn’t know that in my first few interactions with him, I felt quite intimidated. Intimidated because of the immense respect I had for his intellect, his ability and his judgment. Even though my research interest was in the field of Human Computer Interaction, since my advisor (Terry Winograd) was on sabbatical at Google for the first year that I was at Stanford, I was fortunate to interact with Rajeev a little while longer than I otherwise would have.
When I decided that I wanted to enter the field of Venture Capital, Rajeev was one of the first people I contacted. He was instrumental in opening several doors for me and made valuable introductions to other VCs and firms on Sand Hill Road — leading to several valued relationships. As just one datapoint, it was through Rajeev’s introduction that Refocus Imaging obtained its funding.
Rajeev truly was a pillar of Stanford Computer Science and of Silicon Valley. He touched and helped so many people — as students, advisees, entrepreneurs, colleagues and friends. He directly or indirectly contributed to the formation and the success of numerous startups (Google being the most notable, but there are many, many more). I am incredibly thankful to Rajeev for this advice, his mentorship, and the role that he played in guiding me in choosing my path not only as a student, but for life.
I feel truly fortunate to have interacted with and learnt from Prof Motwani. At the same time, I am deeply saddened at his sudden and untimely passing. I sincerely wish Rajeev’s family all the best in this difficult time and beyond.
Web 2.0. Yes, that wonderful, wonderful world of Web 2.0. Where information and technology will solve all of the worlds problems, make it possible for us to communicate instantly with anyone, where all human knowledge will be instantly searchable in nanoseconds, and yes, it will also eradicate poverty, achieve universal tolerance, global literacy and intergalactic peace.
All hyperbole aside, Web 2.0 has been a wonderful thing. Today, we can search human knowledge using Google, we can communicate instantly with friends and family using Facebook, we can publish our thoughts and share our opinions (like I’m doing here) with the world using WordPress and we can publish/receive news (like a plane landing in the Hudson river) while it happens on Twitter, all among a myriad of other things. For the record, I love Web 2.0 (as a user) for its ease of use and for the so many immensely useful services it provides (though I must admit I’m not a fan of the business models that often accompany Web 2.0 companies, especially advertising related models).
Image from ConnectionCafe
But, “Houston, we have a problem.” The problem is what I would call “information fragmentation” in the world of Web 2.0. Yes, each Web 2.0/social media site in isolation may be very easy to use, but to try and get all of them to cooperate and more importantly keep track of all our information is becoming a complete nightmare. Here is just a short list of just some of my information assets:
Gosh, I can’t even keep track of them in a list, and I certainly don’t want to link to all my accounts on various services for privacy concerns. Just recently, I discovered that I had a MySpace page! I didn’t even know I had a MySpace page, and in fact, I used to take pride in saying that I didn’t have one (they built their network by being spammers in my opinion). Until I discovered that I did — probably one I set up years and years ago, and never thought about it twice after that. (I have since promptly deleted the MySpace page, so that I can stick to my assertion that I do not have a MySpace page!)
Our bits are spread out all over the web. In fact, it’s probably more accurate to say that bits of us are spread out all over the web. Subtle difference. The deluge in the number of services out there has now resulted in new services (like FriendFeed and Ping.fm) which try to help you take control of all your media and interactions. However, aggregators only work in theory. In theory, the pitch for an aggregator is that “We will be the one stop shop for X.” The problem is that there are a dozen one stop shops. And so you ultimately end up building an aggregator to aggregate the aggregators! The travel industry is a great example of this with the airline sites, then sites like Expedia, Travelocity and Orbitz. Then sites like TripAdvisor, Kayak, Vayama. I’m just waiting for the next level up (Update: Didn’t have to wait too long, as soon as I finished this post and went back to check on my feeds, I found this on TechCrunch: Travelzoo’s Fly.com Launches Yet Another Travel Search Aggregator). It’s the Madoff scheme (Ponzi is becoming too old for people to know what it means any more!) of aggregators.
Likewise in social media, everyone is trying to aggregate everyone else. Till recently, I had my Twitter tweets being cross-posted to my Facebook status. I recently severed that connection. Now I have FriendFeed aggregating my tweets, my Google Reader shares, my blog posts all together. Oh, and I also have a FriendFeed tab in my Facebook profile. Everything is going in circles, I guess that must be the true indication that I have embraced Web 2.0 and social media, and more so, that I feel caught up in its embrace. An embrace of so many tentacles that it’s like being caught in, oh, oh, wait for it… a Web!
Lets make this more concrete with some examples:
Blog comments: When you post to a blog, you typically have comments on the blog. But then you also have trackbacks and pingbacks. And now you also have tweetbacks. The conversation has been splintered. I can get comments on the post, I can get tweets back in response to the post, I can get an email, I can get a phone call, a direct message on twiter, a like on FriendFeed or now even on Facebook, a comment on Facebook. It’s just all over the place. Fred Wilson has argued in his posts that (paraphrasing) comments should be treated as a first class citizen — as a true part of the conversation that is ocurring. But, comments are now being splintered all over — on Twitter, on FriendFeed, on Facebook, on blogs, in emails and in direct messages. Capturing that conversation has become and continues to become more of a challenge. There have been some good steps like Disqus integrating FriendFeed comments, but that is only the beginning.
Status messages: Status messages are everywhere. And the buzz on the web is that status is the hot thing, popularized by Twitter and Facebook’s “What are you doing?” question. (Fred Wilson says that “Status is the ultimate social gesture”) But there is also GoogleTalk status. When I update my GoogleTalk status it is seen by people in my contact list who are also on GoogleTalk. But there is no (simple) way of connecting that to my Facebook status (emphasis on simple, though Xoopit recently announced GMail and Facebook integration through a plugin), to my Plaxo status, to my LinkedIn status. Ping.fm provides some hope of being able to do this. And I’m sure if I took the time to figure out the map of where all I want my status messages propagated (and avoid any circular references) it may very well do the trick. But, all of these services are supposed to be mass-market services. It shouldn’t require this much effort and thinking to make it all work right. While on one hand I am pleased by the diversity of options, on the other hand I lament that there are simply too many options.
Pictures: I made a conscious choice to not post pictures on Facebook. Even though Facebook is intended to be for friends, there is a huge amount of intermingling of family, friends, teachers, co-workers, professionals and business contacts on Facebook. Yes, they provide a way to keep all these lists separate, but it just takes to much work. So I have my pictures on Picasa, in private albums that I share selectively. But then I also have a Flickr account and I also have a TwitPic account for posting images to Twitter.
I think the point is clear by now and so I won’t keep beating a dead horse. Web 2.0 and Social Media are wonderful and great, but at the same time they provide us with a plethora of options accompanied by a lack of easy interoperability (the kind that my mom could figure out). Information is being produced and created in unprecedented ways and at an unprecedented rate. It is being shared in unprecedented ways at an unprecedented rate. But, it is being fragmented in unprecedented ways. This is problem and an opportunity (as always). However, this is one case where I’m skeptical if just yet another technology (Google!?) will be able to help vacuum together all our digital bits from all over the Web.
Last week, I was thinking about how sometimes change happens and we don’t really notice it. It’s the old story of how to boil a frog. One such change that I think is happening around us is in the very foundation of basic education and in the three R’s: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.
The change in arithmetic started happening when we started giving kids calculators. When I went to school, calculators were banned. You had to learn how to do math in your head, at least basic math. But I won’t dwell on the poor state of basic math skills since that’s not the core point of my post.
The bigger realization has been in how reading and writing are changing. When was the last time you picked up a pen/pencil and wrote a page full? How about a paragraph? Or even a full sentence? The pen, though metaphorically mightier than the sword, is becoming useless for anything more than signing our name on the credit card receipt, on a check or on a legal document. Yes, we may hunt for one when we need to scribble down a reminder or a quick thought, but whenever it comes to writing anything meaningful or of substance, our tool of choice has become the keyboard.
What does this mean for education and for the children who are learning how to read and write today? Do they really need to learn how to hold a pen or how to write longhand? The importance of longhand has diminished to such an extent that I worry about its very existence in the near future. It is more important to know how to type today than it is to hold a pen. In fact, I bet that very soon when someone needs to scribble something, they won’t be reaching for pen and paper, but reaching for their phone or whatever device it is that is almost surgically attached to their hand. (BTW, in case you haven’t tried it yet, I would strongly recommend trying out ShapeWriter on the iPhone. Here is the iTunes store link for ShapeWriter Free and ShapeWriter Pro.)
Writing longhand is a skill that I compare to boiling a frog — with every passing day, with every blog post and with every tweet, we’re boiling the frog that is writing with an instrument that still vaguely resembles a quill.
For the past couple of weeks, for most of 2009 in fact, I’ve felt that I am running at periscope depth, meaning I feel that I am able to learn a little bit about a topic, but haven’t had the time to go deep. This is quite the opposite of the training you receive by being in a PhD program, where you are required to go deep and become the expert in a particular topic.
I use the submarine analogy because it best describes what I mean. If you are on the surface and literally skimming topics, then you know very little and can easily be overthrown or thrown out of control by a wave or the wind. By contrast, if you are under the water, you have a little bit more control and are less susceptible to the wind and the waves, but you still lack the depth of knowledge. While I was at Stanford, I felt that I was able to stay at periscope depth, but still be able to make deep dives from time to time. It was a requirement of the role and the task at hand.
In my new role of helping startups, I find I spend a lot of time at periscope depth, but I haven’t been able to make as many deep dives as I would like to into various topics — sometimes topics that would be of benefit to the startups I’m working with and sometimes those for just my own edification.
A big part of the problem has been the glut of information created by social media (mostly useless information, but every so often there are a few gems). Keeping up with my feeds, trying to get a healthy dose of the twitter stream, and most of all managing the beast that is email takes up a large chunk of my week. The weekends have really become catch up days for things left over from the week. Fortunately, the information traffic on weekends decreases just enough to make it possible to write a blog post for instance!
Has the increase in social media activities such as Twitter, Facebook, blogging etc made all of us incapable of making deep dives? Most of the time the web is an “echo chamber,” as it has appropriately been described, for the self-absorbed. Innovation happens not only be being aware of the acitivity around you, but by being able to get a deep understanding of a particular topic. When are entrepreneurs working on building stuff, when most of the time they’re keeping busy just trying to keep up? These are just some of the questions I am pondering over, while I try to correct my own observation of being at periscope depth.
I hope to make some proactive changes to help correct this and carve out some time to still do the deep dives that I believe are essential for being fully informed and not just partially informed.