– Brent Todd, The Weblog Review
sneaker.org just got reviewed by The Weblog Review and Brent Todd said some really nice things about it. So thanks Brent!
The review mentioned two things that he didn’t like as much… one the splash page (which says Locating sneaker… and second that the site was a little slow. Well, the splash page is purely eye-candy and was put up there for me to putz around with JavaScript more than anything else. It’s really not needed. But then I felt it worked along with the randomness theme of the site so I kept it. So what do you think? Should I keep the splash or lose it?? Leave your opinons in the comments for this blog (Someone better start using those comment things… no one’s used it yet!)
Regarding the speed issue for the site… well, it is running on a really really old PC. It’s a Pentium 200 mhz with 64 MB RAM running RedHat Linux and Apache. Unfortunately since I’m using server-side includes (shtml) to syndicate the content and using a cgi script to put the counts for the blog entires it’s not as speedy as I would like it to be. I could probably tune it a bit, but the traffic isn’t high enough to justify it yet. Might do that the next weekend I get some time. Anyhow, depending on when I run out of diskspace and processing power, the site may need to be moved over to a box with a little more juice than the current one!
Anyhow, check out the review for sneaker.org and don’t forget to rate it yourself for the user’s rating!!