Me: But they’ve got to have some brains..
Gibson: Brains are overrated. If you want intelligent conversation call me.
:Ahh.. the ever hilarious Gibson humor on women…
A.K: So what did you think of that woman? (in reference to a woman who was essentially spilling out of her top…)
Me: It’s market segmentation. Except it’s not my segment.
“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man”
:Mark Twain, as quotes in the article Dogs’ exalted status in American lives
There is not such thing as fool-proof security. That only works with fools!
:From an IM conversation with my mom while dealing with a hack…
At Harvard they teach you how to turn on a computer,
At Wharton they teach you how a computer works,
at Carnegie Mellon they teach you how to be the computer.
:Business school joke about CMU, told to me by Paul
Manu Kumar | California | U.S.A