sneaker: you running a peepshow or something on your cam Q!
lovicks_30: yup
lovicks_30: it’s kitty porn

:Q’s webcam showing ktty porn! 🙂
Technically, we’re all dying.
:an astute observation.
What if a chameleon was color-blind?
:topic of discussion over lunch @ Charlie’s
varun_puri: in fact, for authentic mediterranian food, have to take you to this place where they even have belly dancing..
varun_puri: of course, u’re only allowed to eat the meals…
sneaker: eh.. what good is that! 🙂
:IM conversation
sneaker: varun, you need to come to Pittsburgh…
sneaker: I’ve yet to find such good food elsewhere
varun_puri: “food” for thought or soul?
sneaker: food for tummy
sneaker: the best kind 🙂
:IM conversation between me and Varun after a great dinner at Pittsburgh’s finest.
Manu Kumar | California | U.S.A