All posts by sneaker

The Quotes Are Back!

Yup! All of you asked me over and over again… what did you do with the old quotes? Well, they’re back! And you know what, reading through them sure brought back some memories. The sad part is, I pretty much know all of them by heart by now and everday, can think of situations in which some of them are so apt.

Unfortunately, the folks @ blogger haven’t quite yet provided a mechanism to backdate entries… but even if they had I wouldn’t know what dates I got some of these on now anyhow. So I’ve just taken all of them and dumped them into one very long oldquotes file. But you know what, even though it may not be formatted consistently, it’s the content that matters and even though I may say so myself, some of them are just really good.

So go ahead into the quotes archives and click on the link for old short quotes or old long quotes. Have fun and don’t forget to send me your comments and feedback!

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Mad Mex and Kiwi Margaritas

I promised to come back and finish the last rave about Cats and Dogs…but never quite got around to it. Sorry about that!

Anyhow, for today, I thought I would mention that Mad Mex, one of the coolest restaurants by the big Burrito Restaurant Group has the meanest and the best Kiwi Margaritas. Very highly recommended. Nothing beats them! 🙂 Esp. if you go for the big-ass-marg :))

So a big thumbs up to Mad Mex for their food and drinks. Considering they still have me going there despite the really really loud music (after 9:00 PM) and the fact that it’s all smoking, just proves that their food and drinks must be really really good. (In the interest of full disclosdure, I do know the owner of Mad Mex, but that has absolutely nothing to do with whether I give them a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs flat!)

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Random IMs

So far I’ve been lazy and simply put some links up in the clippings section. Still need to sort through the list and put up only the relevant one’s or I may choose to put all, but that may take a bit more time. Have a lot of stuff to dig through and pull together.

Was surprised by a random visitor to the site who actually sent me an IM. Amazing.. someone other than me actually reads this stuff!??

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Frames suck

Ugh… Frames stink, but sometimes I can’t find a better solution! Unfortunately, in order to be able to take the archives from blogger and get them to both update the index file as well as show the content appropriately, I’ve had to resort to using frames for the blog archives. (Sorry, I’ll apologize in advance!) I would have liked to have been able to do it without frames, but the setting for blogger just didn’t provide enough flexibility since they only give two pre-set fields and I didn’t want to generate any files manually as then I would be sure to fall behind.

So anyhow, the archives for whatsnew are now done (using frames 🙁 ) for now. I’ll move the same stuff over to the other blogs and then get back to content. This was enough of a pain.

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