- Best part of working on a large display? Having TWO instance of GMail open side by side so I can keep switching between them! #Parallelism #
- Stop the Insanity: Inbox Pause Lets You Quiet Gmail Down for a Bit http://t.co/Ko580C1T via @Techland (Go @Baydin!) #
- Agree with @mcuban here. CNBC: No Tech Bubble, Except in Silicon Valley: Mark Cuban http://t.co/ZBdI2CBG by @cadiethompson #
- Pleased to see so many smart people speak out about Convertible Notes. @fredwilson's post: Convertible Debt http://t.co/nSY5JTWQ #
Monthly Archives: September 2012
Twitter updates for 2012-09-10
- So I bought OS X Lion on the Mac App Store, but now Apple won't let me download it again (coz. I'm running Mountain Lion) How do I get Lion? #
Twitter updates for 2012-09-09
- Lyft: Ride Sharing Startup Zimride Hits the Gas Pedal in San Francisco http://t.co/NnC7fF82 via @TIMEBusiness #
- The Real Story Behind Apple's 'Think Different' Campaign – Forbes http://t.co/8WZZUJqe #
Twitter updates for 2012-09-08
- #RequiredReading The Truth About Convertible Debt at Startups and The Hidden Terms You Didn't Understand http://t.co/7vhdEt0V via @msuster #
- Tried everything I could think of, but still can't get into the BIOS settings of my old DELL XPS machine. #bizarre #
- Boomerang for Yahoo Mail Couldn’t Have Timed its Launch Better if it Tried http://t.co/BP5DC7LB via @pandodaily #
- Congrats to Team @Baydin on the launch on Boomerang for Yahoo Mail! You're on a tear. #GoodStuff cc @awmoore @ayemoah @mikejchin #
- RT @baydin: Announcing Boomerang for Yahoo Mail! You can now send email later, track responses, set follow up reminders http://t.co/LCt4U2pe #
- .@msuster Hope you've seen my diatribe about Convertible Notes at http://t.co/3sTMLkYd . IMHO Convertible *anything* is a bad idea. #
- "Convertible debt with no cap is stupid for investors. Convertible debt WITH a cap is stupid for founders." @msuster nails it. #
- Thank you @msuster! The Truth About Convertible Debt at Startups & The Hidden Terms You Didn't Understand http://t.co/oEfB2qOM via @msuster #
Twitter updates for 2012-09-07
- #demoday for @StartX Summer companies! (@ StartX) http://t.co/iihamjyj #
- RT @lyft: Next wk at #TCDisrupt Lyft co-founder @johnzimmer speaks abt disrupting industries as millenial entrepreneur http://t.co/R2pV7X1V #
- RT @allthingsd: Twilio's New Queue Command Offers Hope to Those in the On-Hold -by @ahess247 http://t.co/Z3bL4rLZ #
- Stupid Netgear WGR614v6 router causing angst. Replaced it w/ an Apple Airport Express. Works beautifully & simple to setup. #AppleWinsAgain #
- RT @TechCrunch: On-Demand Ride-Sharing Service Lyft Adds $1M In Excess Liability Insurance For Drivers http://t.co/No95evFj by @ryanlawler #
- It's Dangerous to have the Apple Store so close to my office! (@ Apple Store w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://t.co/yJcTgdqU #