- Yo ho ho and a few billion pageviews of RUM by @joshfraz of @torbit on @slideshare http://t.co/t6sxjN7k #
Monthly Archives: September 2012
Twitter updates for 2012-09-15
- Drive Me: Lyft Just Might Have The Customer Experience Advantage Over Uber http://t.co/YqcrihIO via @techcrunch #
Twitter updates for 2012-09-14
- We'll be back @ Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/ED8SXerR #
- Spread thin & playing catch up. Had some important stuff slip through the cracks. Time to slow down and get back on top of things. #
- Waiting for my @lyft ride #latergram @ San Francisco Caltrain Station http://t.co/XlsdiS7f #
- Black shroud over future Palo Alto Apple Store #underconstruction @ Future Apple Store http://t.co/rZwBeXZM #
- I'm not on a boat, I'm on a train. #BabyBullet #
- To San Francisco @ Palo Alto Caltrain Station http://t.co/OxiNlwFi #
Twitter updates for 2012-09-13
- Caught a sneak peek of the cool glass exterior of what will soon be the new flagship Apple Store in downtown Palo Alto! #
- So no NFC in the #iPhone5 #
- Carriers and dataplans have now begun to suck and lag behind the tech innovation for higher speed connectivity in mobile devices. #
- "Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening" #Queen #BohemianRhapsody #Apple #iPhone5 #
- .@speechu Can't wait to compare Apple's Panorama with @Occipital's @360Panorama #
- Does the longer #iPhone5 make it harder to use it with just one hand? Will have to try if one can still hit back button w/ thumb #
- Waiting to hear about the iPhone 5 camera #
- So far the best liveblog coverage seems to be on @engadget http://t.co/7csjcy5c Any others worth checking out #Apple #