- Video of @EricFerraro interviewing @ManuKumar from @K9Ventures at the @IgniteF event at @citrixaccel: http://t.co/Ah9RudbE #
- RT @TechCrunch: Lytro Announces Support For Windows, Two Accessories And Free Shipping (This Week) http://t.co/ArAoArQ9 by @thepeterha #
- RT @Lytro: Lytro for Windows is here! Read more on the Lytro Blog: http://t.co/U2CcGm65 #
- RT @NEAVC: The "mysterious" company that sold for $1 billion http://t.co/hWfDmznr via @FortuneMagazine #
Monthly Archives: July 2012
Twitter updates for 2012-07-24
- Go Martin Casado! RT @tomiogeron: Marc Andreessen on VMWare's $1.2 Billion Nicira Buy: Cloud Deals Have http://t.co/edKXkLzX #
- Congrats @MKRocks RT @braughm: Congrats to @cendanacapital! Cendana Capital Closes on $60M for Seed Based Fund of Funds http://t.co/77egwN9l #
- Swollen webs #RSI #iPhoneThumb #painful @ Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/AjZn7JLe #
Twitter updates for 2012-07-23
- Pleased to be working with you too! RT @CendanaCapital: Congratulations on the new fund! Excited to partner with you! http://t.co/dKVlXARA #
- Blue skies @ Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/dDwVcRCC #
- The Tofu Huarapa Krob rocks! (@ Thai Stick) [pic]: http://4sq.com/O9afwb #
Twitter updates for 2012-07-21
Twitter updates for 2012-07-20
- At @CendanaCapital Cocktail party with @MKRocks (and he does) (@ District Wine Lounge w/ 2 others) http://t.co/4AmxpCLh #
- Shooting for a future @TechCrunch TV episode w/ @semil (@ AOL TechCrunch HQ w/ 2 others) http://t.co/t7iZFzbC #
- Thank for lunch guys! 🙂 (@ Zimride HQ) http://t.co/T9FeHARC #
- Announcing K9 Ventures II – A $40M technology-focused micro-VC fund http://t.co/3h6QwEBW #