- Buying more storage for my @GMail account (was at 96%!) after the tip that more storage means faster servers too! Hope it's true! #
- I'm at Google 2000 Charleston in Mountain View, CA http://gowal.la/c/38dy8 #
- Phew, finally got below 600 mark in my inbox. Been lingering above it for far too many weeks now. #LosingBattle #InboxWoes #
- Gave a startup some fundamental design advice, but their new version still ignores common sense principles #ProductMatters #GladIDidntInvest #
Monthly Archives: December 2010
Twitter updates for 2010-12-14
- Glad I didn't get Gawkered! RT @puneet324: Did you get Gawkered? http://k9.vc/icpSQL check it out from the security studs at @duosec #
- RT @TechCrunch: Google Latitude Finally Comes To The iPhone, Touts 9 Million Active Users http://tcrn.ch/gKBcTF by @jasonkincaid #
- I'm at Jing Jing in Palo Alto, CA http://gowal.la/c/37QyZ #
- Getting my Zombie on since @reachanika decided that sleeping is overrated. #
Twitter updates for 2010-12-13
- I'm at Apple Store, Palo Alto in Palo Alto, CA http://gowal.la/c/37twF #
- "I'll have the special w/ some cabernet, and can I get a side of mac & cheese with that" http://twitpic.com/3fea4x #
- #plan Launch Conference (Concourse Exhibition Center & Trade Show Facility) Feb 23-24, 2011 http://planca.st/Jcl #
Twitter updates for 2010-12-12
Twitter updates for 2010-12-11
- An incredibly busy week after returning from a week long trip. So fried that I couldn't possibly do another email. #WheresMyNetflix #
- RT @Werner: The less people know, the more stubbornly they know it. #
- First time here! — at Philz Coffee http://gowal.la/c/36uMJ #
- RT @adamnash: Netflix To Join The S&P 500, As The New York Times Gets The Boot by @thestalwart http://read.bi/fKBydu (via @alleyinsider) #