Twitter updates for 2010-12-25

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Twitter updates for 2010-12-23

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Twitter updates for 2010-12-22

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Twitter updates for 2010-12-21

  • RT @ai: Very close to a total boycott of @windowsphone in spite of my history. As weird as this sounds, Apple's process is SO MUCH better. #
  • This has become my default way to make phone calls. RT @newsycombinator: Free calling in Gmail extended through 2011 #
  • RT @dbasch :RT @heroku: Planning to hack over the holidays? You could win a Macbook Air! #
  • Every founding CEO needs a lesson in Board management and every VC Board member needs to have started/operated a company. #
  • RT @ginab: Netflix CEO Reed Hastings Responds to Whitney Tilson: Cover Your Short Position. Now. – Seeking Alpha #
  • Join me and nominate @CardMunch for Best Mobile Application for the 2010 Crunchies awards! #crunchies #
  • Join me and nominate @Occipital for Best Bootstrapped Startup for the 2010 Crunchies awards! #crunchies #
  • Congrats @ShannaWP! cc @IlluminateVC @JakeWitherell RT @VentureBeat: Autodesk buys Wild Pockets game design platform #
  • Cool! RT @occipital: The Occipital elves have been busy! Tomorrow we're launching something that's never been done before in a browser. #
  • Color me skeptical, but it's still #AOL RT @marshallk: What AOL Got When it Bought #
  • Catching up on today's tech news and my cynicism must be getting the better of me. I've said "Really!?" to myself at least 4 times. #
  • I'm at Bessemer Venture Partners in Menlo Park, CA #

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