Twitter updates for 2010-11-08

  • Agree 100% RT @jrpowers: @manukumar usb3 crucial for respectable computer vision webcam resolutions (ie without compression) #
  • Moving large data files & feeling the need for #USB3 Theoretical max of #USB2 480Mbps, but effective rate much lower. #
  • RT @weblogtheworld: New Post: Manu Kumar on Entrepreneurship and Investmanship: #
  • Manually adjusted 19 clocks/watches at home (not counting auto-adjusting), taking up about as many minutes. 1 more at the office. #StupidDST #
  • indeed next Zappos! RT @TechCrunch: Amazon Buys A Lot of For $540 Million by @erickschonfeld #
  • Good to know! RT @VentureBeat: Apple fails to fix iPhone Daylight Savings Time alarm bug for US #

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Twitter updates for 2010-11-07

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