Twitter updates for 2010-02-03

  • RT @venturehacks: Launching AngelList, a curated list of angel investors: 50 awesome angels have joined. #
  • Still thinking about possibilities from a stunning demo from a portfolio company yesterday. Some game changing technology in the works. #
  • I usually try to avoid profanity, but there is no better way to describe Hospital/Medical billing and Insurance: It's a Cluster F***. #hcr #
  • Wish GMail Labs had an app for a 'Bounce because I'm busy" feature. Losing the battle with my inbox/todos. Calls for drastic measures. #
  • RT @BessemerVP: "A Little Chip Designed by Apple Itself" – iPad powered by former portfolio company PA Semi – #
  • RT @twilio: Amazon CTO Werner Vogels on Amazon’s Web Services, Startups and Innovation #
  • RT @l2k: Mission 4636 needs volunteers to translate and geocode SMS messages for Haiti emergency response #
  • Some VC-backed Cos use their $$s for legal bullshit. RT @TechCrunch: Chegg Warns It Owns Trademark To Being No. 1 #

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Twitter updates for 2010-02-02

  • RT @VineetBuch: 10yr VC returns continue to slide but nobody points out VC beat Dow, S&P & Nasdaq over 5, 10, 20 years #
  • "The Internet does NOT want to be FREE. It wants to GET PAID on F'ing Friday like everybody else…" :@davemcclure #
  • This is why @k9ventures only invests in companies with a *direct pay* business model. No ads, no media. Go @davemcclure #
  • Woot @loic! RT @BillGates: Back from Davos and getting ready for TED. Checking out the Seesmic Look app – pretty cool #
  • Social Proof as a way of marketing/creating demand is very effective, but somehow when marketers/promoters use it, I find it disingenuous. #
  • Work with it. RT @loic: "If you have the same problem for a long time, maybe it's not a problem, maybe it's a fact" via @clayshirky #
  • Ads on @YouTube are overlayed on video, covering up the content/captions in the video. Silly. @google controls player, can make space for ad #
  • RT @fredwilson: – startupequitysimulator – on Google Code great way to explain startup equity to developers #
  • Congrats @martenmickos RT @peHUB: NEWS Marten Mickos Joins Index Ventures #
  • Somehow collecting @foursquare "badges" reminds me of the scene from the movie UP! #
  • Second that request! 😉 #firehose RT @davemcclure: dear @ev @joshelman: pls provide "mute" button so every1 doesn't have 2 unfollow me. #
  • Serious trouble 😉 RT @KonaTbone: RT @danmartell: We're in trouble. #

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Twitter updates for 2010-02-01

  • Creative & edgy RT @aweissman: "Fuck-You Money" – Zero Rupee notes used in India to fight bribery and corruption #
  • When a startup/founder I pass on asks for a referral I refer them to @bfeld's 'Don't Ask For A Referral If I Say No' #
  • Awesome call w/ one of my portfolio companies about some groundbreaking new technology. Can't wait to see the demo tomorrow. #
  • RT @zappos: "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison #
  • RT @bfeld: Do Patents Slow Down Innovation? #

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