- Juggling closings for two new investments. Psyched to be working w/both these founding teams. Details once the companies announce. #
- Quite puzzled and intrigued by why I can't taste anything sweet today (even honey or sugar). For a sweet-tooth like me that's devastating 😉 #
- For the record, I dislike shorteners that use frames (like http://ow.ly and http://su.pr). #
- Aww, no clogs for us!? http://bit.ly/4KIdXu RT @KonaTbone: Train to amsterdam… No I will not be shopping for "special" xmas gifts #
- RT @VentureBeat Beyond the touchscreen, Synaptics announces new way to interact with cell phones http://bit.ly/6ZGly3 #
- RT @eengler: An organization's ability to learn is the ultimate and perhaps the only really sustainable competitive advantage. #
- Amazon truly doing compute-as-utility RT @newsycombinator: Amazon EC2 Spot Instances – And Now How Much Would You Pay? http://bit.ly/4ONWs6 #
- 'Want to create jobs? Import entrepreneurs' via CNNMoney.com http://bit.ly/8OXTDo #startupvisa #foundersvisa #
- RT @tedsv: The official TEDx Silicon Valley #tedxsv UStream recording is up. If you missed any of the talks go here http://bit.ly/6JY4QX #
- RT @davidcohen: RT @IncMagazine @davidcohen offers tips on how to structure friends and family money http://bit.ly/5FgVec #
- AT&T vs iPhone RT @newsycombinator: Who Do You Believe, Randall Stross or Your Own Lying Eyes? http://bit.ly/4R2Wht #
- RT @jeffiel: http://twitpic.com/tfh67 – More Facebook privacy WTF… have u seen this page? UR friends can publish your data to 3rd parties #
Monthly Archives: December 2009
Twitter updates for 2009-12-13
- Pleased to see notice from credit card co. about changes being made in resp to CARD Act. http://bit.ly/4zzpqt Long overdue. #ShylockCC #FB #
- Had a blast flipping through the 'Onset Ventures Holiday Catalog' http://bit.ly/5GbiNb Kudos to @shomit for the VC humor! #fb #
- RT @Rajil: Wrote a guest post on TechCrunch on tips for pitching a VC http://bit.ly/8MGG7e #
- Looking for some rock-star engineering talent (CS) for some of my portfolio companies. If you know folks, please point me to them. Thanks! #
- The end of Cable is near — even the NYTimes has written about it now! 'Cable Freedom is a Click Away' http://bit.ly/5P1y9P #
Twitter updates for 2009-12-12
- Returned home to find the tree all finished and in full attire http://twitpic.com/tak36 #fb #
- Magician Robert Strong at #TEDxSV performing a levitation trick with @l2k as one of the four volunteers http://twitpic.com/t9u1p #fb #
- RT @Stanford TEDxSV is back from coffee break, catch the final speakers live online at http://bit.ly/5QOUkJ #tedxsv #fb #
- Most inspiring talk at #TEDxSV about Dis/Ability by Viktor Tsaran, head of Yahoo's accessibility program http://twitpic.com/t9fma #fb #
- Awesome job @thione! RT @thione From the control room at TEDxSV #tedxsv great start!! #fb #
- Excellent performance of an original song 'Speak Your Mind' about #TEDxSV by Eoin Harrington http://twitpic.com/t8hmr Best of @tedsv yet #fb #
- 'Obama is the best president elected in *this* century' : Prof. Clayborne Carson at @tedsv #tedxsv #fb #
- Google Groups in Google Apps: http://bit.ly/6dDJzf (Nice hack, but Google Groups is screaming for a complete revamp) #
- Tried using Amazon's PayPhrase. Conclusion: Sucks (couldn't get it to group multiple items w/correct shipping choice) #
Twitter updates for 2009-12-11
- RT @edyson: http://bit.ly/6rHIWh someone please make this product…& reward its inventor! new take on the fat old British 3-prong plug. #
- RT @ehthayer: in business, if you screw up too much, you are out of business. In gov't, you just get more tax dollars. #
- RT @Stanford: TEDx comes to Stanford! Stellar speaker line-up and free live webcast tomorrow (12/12), 10:30am-5:30pm: http://bit.ly/5QOUkJ #
- Tree getting dressed… http://twitpic.com/t4qxi #fb #
- Christmas tree is up but presently naked; my work is done. http://twitpic.com/t4aol #fb #
- Persimmons from a friend's backyard http://twitpic.com/t49sn and chestnuts ready to roast http://twitpic.com/t49x0 #
- Taking care of weekend chores today since I will be at @Stanford tomorrow for @tedsv. #
Twitter updates for 2009-12-10
- RT @peHUB: If carry tax change goes through some big-name VCs might become solo artists, investing own money. Angel capital still cap gain #
- RT @shaig: Malaysian tycoon buys Friendster: http://url4.eu/uZLR <- first mover can be a disadvantage. This co will forever be a case study #
- .@shaig imho it wasn't first mover status that was a disadvantage for Friendster, it was botched execution. Ryze existed before Friendster. #
- Psyched that both my alma maters have rocking iPhone apps! @Stanford http://bit.ly/8qQ3AC @CarnegieMellon http://bit.ly/6E1lxj (h/t @anigam) #
- voice << data RT @bijan: So many of us use the iphone in spite of at&t's network. maybe its because voice isn't the killer app #
- RT @jasonmendelson: House Raises Capital Gains Tax for Venture Capitalists and the WSJ slams them – http://jason.mn/u #
- Gonna have to change my email handling path in order to make it more friendly for GMail's spam algorithms. #TooManyFalsePositives #
- House Considers Changes to Carried Interest Taxation (proposal is to tax as ord income) via Cooley Godward http://bit.ly/7qDzuM #