Twitter updates for 2009-09-09

  • RT @founding: Other than cash, time is the most important resource in your company, so don't waste time in meetings as a startup company #
  • RT @founding: Entrepreneurs must be able to articulate their idea in 2-3 sentences. That should be enough to explain the idea #
  • RT @BarackObama: It should never be controversial to ask our students to stay in school. Watch today's speech: #
  • .@bjfogg Are you saying the Valley is a bubble! No way… that's impossible! 😉 #
  • RT @bjfogg: People who live among early adopters can lose intuition about normal folks. 2 solutions – relocate (I did that) & research #
  • Damn, making me hungry! RT @jpramey: A pizza with radius "z" and height "a" has a volume calculated by pi*z*z*a. Think about it. #
  • RT @CorpusKV: #e2i2 an grassroots campaign to petition Govt of India to ease process of entrepreneurial activity in India #
  • My solution to #iPhone battery life problem: bought cheap (~$3) USB charging cables for home, office, car & backpack! #iCanChargeAnywhere #

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Twitter updates for 2009-09-08

  • Should've just called it Topic Stupid RT @peHUB: The accounting rule previously known as FAS 157: #
  • Still waiting for car companies to adopt more ideas from the lab (like our Dynamic Speedometer #
  • In awe of new technology in cars — even though I know how it works/how late it is to show up. Good to see it on the road and IRL. #
  • RT @bgurley: Bill Campbell profile in Sunday Times Sports Section #
  • RT @Werner The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim – #dijkstra #
  • RT @twilio: We're celebrating Labor Day by hiring more engineers! Descriptions: and #
  • Refilled inkjet cartridges (CMYK). Messy process to begin with, but figured it out by the 4th one. Glad printer still works! #
  • Totally forgot that today was supposed to be a holiday (Labor Day) when scheduling meetings a couple of weeks ago. #

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Twitter updates for 2009-09-06

  • RT @davemcclure: PG: "we've learned if yr talking 2 bunch startup founders & can't tell who leader is, that means there *isn't* one." #
  • RT @davemcclure: PG: "Running a tech startup w/o a tech founder is about as hard as playing pool with a piece of rope." #fbFund #
  • RT @davemcclure: PG: "don't over-optimize on valuation. if u get good investor / decent offer, take it." #
  • RT @davemcclure: PG: "having fabulous customer service will help you in *numerous* ways…" #fbFund #
  • RT @davemcclure: PG "the test for whether a VC says yes or no… look at your hands. if yr not holding a term sheet, they said NO." #fbFund #
  • RT @davemcclure: PG "board meetings, like launching, help you get shit done (every month/qtr) & find out why/how you suck" #fbFund #
  • RT @davemcclure: PG: "launching helps you find out how you suck. (until u launch, u might suck, but u won't know why)" #fbfund #
  • RT @davemcclure: PG: after launch, u have initial traffic spike then drop, & wait 4 it to gradually rise. this period = "Trough of Sorrow" #
  • RT @newsycombinator: Joe Stump: Why I switched from PHP to Python #
  • RT @CarnegieMellon: Movie App-preciation: Student creates iPhone apps downloaded by millions. Read: #cmubrag #
  • RT @Spencerante: Doriot Quote of the Day: “Someone, somewhere, is making a product that will make your product obsolete” #

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Twitter updates for 2009-09-05

  • Fried after a long and busy week. Signing off for the evening. Emails will just have to wait till tomorrow… #
  • Gorgeous day in SF — no jacket required #
  • Copious amounts of street parking in SF today due to the closure of the Bay Bridge! They should do that more often! 🙂 #
  • Awake in the middle of the night. Wondering why it's so bright outside — looks like someone forgot to turn the moon off. #
  • RT @joshk: Great quote from @RobHayes: "I look for a kick-ass CEO and a big-ass market — I guess I look for two asses" – #

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