Weekend before last, I was in California in order to attend the Stanford Graduate School of Business Conference on Entrepreneurship 2002. So of course, since I was in the bay area and I have a lot more friends that than I have in Pittsburgh, we had to go drinking.
Several of us – friends of mine either from highschool or Carnegie Mellon met up for dinner at Gordon Biersch in Palo Alto. As always I was very impressed with the food there and we had a great time. The food was great (garlic fries… yum… hey I don’t have to worry about anyone smelling my breath!). The place is great and it’s decent, casual and not as pretentious. (I have a real problem with the hoity-toity places since I can never be comfortable there!). So we stuffed ourselves and then decided to go drinking at Left at Albuquerque‘s also in Palo Alto.
Now, Left at Albuquerque’s has this contest. It’s called the Route 66 contest. My friend and i were there the previous night to witness it. The way it worked was that you buy this fish-bowl sized margarita for eighteen bucks and then you have a race with all the other people who are competing. And whoever drinks the entire margarita first, wins a sixty-six dollar bar tab. When we were there the previous night, the rule was that you had to use just one straw. No one straw doesn’t imply one person of course. So as long as you use one straw multiple people could help finish the margarita. Since I had to be up at the conference at 8:00 AM next morning, we just observed the fun, but didn’t participate.
So the next day, after Gordon Biersch, there were about seven of us. And we figured, heck, we could easily with that Route 66 contest right! 🙂 So of course, we all arrive at Left and Albuquerque. The contest starts kicking off. We buy a Route 66 Margarita and are all lined up ready to go and that’s when it hit… the guy changed the rules on us!! The rules for tonight were – one person, one straw Gulp! (literally!). Now the previous day I saw the bartender pour the contents of that margarita glass into a picther. It was a full pitcher! About six drinks in there. Yikes!
Anyhow, now common sense and rational behavious told me that Manu, you’re being idiotic if you decide to go forward with something that is just bound to make you sick. It’s stupid. It’s silly. It’s just a down right bad idea. But then again… I’ve never done enough silly things. I need to do more silly things. So I said what the hell… I’m going for it, come hell or high water!
Luckily for me my adversaries were two girls sitting at one end of the bar. (I say luckily now, of course at that point I was thinking holy shit, if I lose to the women I’m going to make a complete idiot of myself!) Anyhow, so the bar tender lined us up and counted us down. And I began to suck down the margarita. One after the other in big gulps. In the mean while I hear everyone yelling and screaming, but I had no clue as to what they were saying. I wasn’t looking at how fast my competitors were going. I was just sucking it down! About two-thirds of the way throw I felt a soft pat on my head! Turned out that my competitors saw how fast I was sucking up the margarita and decided that there was no point in even trying. I had just alittle more to go when I stopped drinking. Everyone’s asking what’s going on… and I said “Do you mind, I do need to breathe!” Of course by then my head had a severe brain freeze as well. But I was able to suck down the last bit and win the sixty-six dollar bar tab for all my friends! 🙂
Needless to say that was my final drink for the evening! After all the yummy foos with which we’d stuffed ourselves, downing an entire pitcher of margaritas in less than a minute and twenty seconds, doesn’t feel real good in the stomach. The alcohol didn’t bother me as much as the sheer volume of food and liquid in my system! (yes, I did have to loosen my belt thank you). And yes, my friends were a little shocked that I was falling over drunk after the amount I had drunk. It was kind of sad… because I think I just about got a buzz, and nothing more!
Eitherway, between Gordon Biersch, Left at Albuquerque and a great group of friends it was definitely an evening to remember and I’m sure one that my friends won’t let me forget!