Never, Forever: Promising what we cannot deliver?

This morning as I walked through Schenley, the radio was playing some of the usual songs. But as I listened, I couldn’t help wonder how often all of us promise things which we cannot deliver on and on other times just don’t know any better. Specifically I’m talking about the words in the English language which convey an eternal sense of time and perpetualness. Words such as Never and Forever. It seems like we still have not come to terms with our own transience and that the only tautology is that the only contant is change. Now, bear with me here since I’m not criticizing the ability to embelish and emphasize our emotion, desires and whatever we say or do with such words; but I am questioning whether we really mean it or is it purely a literary salad dressing?

I’d like to believe that as far as I can help it, I deliver on my promises. So if I say something in utmost seriousness, jest aside, then chances are that I really mean it and that I will stick to it. I have been called stubborn, persistent, obstinate, pertinacious and compared to those wonderful equine-mutts that spit at you 🙂 – because once I’ve decided something, I stick to it. (And in fact, someone telling me not to do something or that I cannot do something, often pushes me further to the limit of proving them wrong, especially if their statement is based on irrationality. I’m ready to pounce and debunk – like some idiotic pundit (priest) told my mother that my name should begin with an S and so I have a middle name which I despise that begins with an S, or that I should wear white – so I wear black jeans (they’re so much more practical too), or that I shouldn’t play with sharp objects – so I started collecting knives…)

But when it comes to keeping ones word, it isn’t always easy. Because sometimes something you promise under one set of circumstances may not hold under another set of circumstances. Even there we need to be rational right? Or is rationality a cop-out for flaking out on one’s word? Can you really love someone forever? What is forever? How long is forever? Is forever as long as you decide to make it? Is it like the life-long warranty which expires as soon as your car dies?

It intrigues me that how these eternal words bind us in promises that we may not be able to deliver on or bind us into situations and actions which we may not want to deliver on at somepoint in the future? They say people are supposed to be married forever. Now isn’t that interesting. The culture in the western world certainly doesn’t seems to exemplify the “forever-ness” of marriage by any means. Now even though that is often positioned as a negative, I still feel that the ability and independence to free yourself of a unpleasant situation is much better than using that f-word “forever” to keep yourself in bondage to an environment or situation which simply isn’t conducive to your happiness over time.

We all know that things change. Shit happens. So then why use words which will put us in a predicament which will either imprison us in the cage of our own honor – to live up to our commitments or cause us to break out of that cage and in the process break our promise?


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"You should have bought a squirrel"

Okay, so yesterday I think I was in the mood for what I’d call “light entertainment”. Actually judging from the recent quality of celluloid being produced at hollywood (even though they seem to keep making more and more money every weekend) there isn’t room for much else! But anyhow, so me and two friends of mine who were visiting from out of town decided to catch a movie. Since we didn’t want to wait and hadn’t planned in advance we landed up going to the movie that started closest to our time of arrival: Rat Race.

Now the cast of Rat Race is definitely impressive. Some of the finest comics make an appearance in the movie starting from the insane Rowen Atkins (of Mr. Bean fame), and the multi-talented Cuba Goodin Jr., the guy who plays Newman on Seinfeld (sorry don’t remember his name off-hand!) to the whacky Whoopie Goldberg. Now, if you expect there to be a real plot and a real story to this movie, then you better be looking somewhere else. I couldn’t at more than one occasion reminesce back to the movie which I saw several times when I was a kid: It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World Or even Cannonball Run. Rat Race essentially takes the same story line that has been used for years and years – the people will do crazy things for money and puts a modern day spin to it. With everything from bullet trains to private jets and helicopters to hot-air balloons to horses to Hitler’s mercedes being used as the means of transport to get to Silver City (interesting name), New Mexico where $2 million await the first person to get to it.

The absurd incredulity of the circumstances the befall each of the contenders definitely elicits a chuckle and a laugh here and there. Often accompnied by “oh gosh”es along the way though at the absurdity of some of the events. With Hitler at a WWII veterans gathering, to a bus full of Lucys headed to a I Love Lucy convention! (Wait, I thought that was supposd to be Elvi!)

Anyhow, I won’t give away the entire movie. But it was good for a laugh. Truly “light” entertainment, good for those time when you really don’t want to think, but sit back and laugh at people and the crazy things that happen to them and the crazier things people do!

Oh and BTW, make sure you buy a squirrel! 🙂

Coming up soon: The stuff-your-face weekend in Pittsburgh!

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No, I haven’t been slacking…

Well, okay, maybe when it comes to writing more stuff to post on the site with all kinds of crazy thoughts, yes… then I have been slacking. But I decided to take a day or two off to go back to my roots of playing with code. I needed to learn ASP for being more useful at work and so just for kicks I decided to replicate the comments system that I’m using here in ASP with an Access database backend. The result is that there is now a whole new section on the site; the projects section which will from now on cotain the various thing that I develop to keep myself entertained and amused.

The first of course is aspcomments. If you’re using blogger on a Windoze based server then this may be really easy for you to setup. It would also be trivial to use a hardcoded blogid and make it function as a guest book. In funcionality it’s very similar to the PHP-based dotcomments solution or the Perl-based cgicomments.

If you do decide to download it and use it, I’d appreciate it if you drop me a note.

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