Everyone has some vice. Some have several. But everyone has atleast one. Some smoke. Some drink. Some do drugs (that’ a little over the edge in my opinion though…). Some shop (yes, shopping can be a vice too). So what is a vice? The handy old Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary website, describes it as:
Main Entry: 1vice
Pronunciation: 'vIs
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin vitium fault, vice
Date: 14th century
1 a : moral depravity or corruption : WICKEDNESS b : a moral fault or failing c : a habitual and usually trivial defect or shortcoming : FOIBLE <suffered from the vice of curiosity>
3 : a physical imperfection, deformity, or taint
4 a often capitalized : a character representing one of the vices in an English morality play b : BUFFOON, JESTER
5 : an abnormal behavior pattern in a domestic animal detrimental to its health or usefulness
6 : sexual immorality; especially : PROSTITUTION
synonym see FAULT, OFFENSE
Now, before, I continue, lets get is straight, that when I say vice, I mean it in definitely in the context of a a habitual and usually trivial defect or shortcoming for anything beyond that is tad too extreme and often not worth it. Also, when I say vice here, I mean a vice that we can recognize by ourselves and willingly accept as a personal vice. That is to say there may be many oher things wrong with us, but we may not recognize them. But in the contexr of this entry I’m talking specifically about that trivial defect or shortcoming in our character or behavious that we consciously choose to accept… because we all need some way of being bad right?
My previous vice was most definitely chocolate. I often said that “death by chocolate” would be the ideal way to go… well actually that’s the name of a desert that we used to have at the good old Scotland Yard @ Carnegie Mellon a long time ago 😉 Recently, I’ve tried to give up my chocolate vice, simply by telling myself that I’m not going to succumb to chocolate any more. And it’s working because I can look at chocolate and still be fine. Just depends on my state of mind. If I feel like not giving a damn any more, then I may still have it, but more often than not, I can control whether or not I want something or at least I’d like to think so!!
But then being without a conscious personal vice is tough. Coz. then you don’t know what to vent on! 🙂 So I’ve recently tried drinking, but it doesn’t seem to work so well. I already wrote in a previous entry about drinking. My experimentation with alcohol has been perfunctory at best, but it definitely doesn’t seem to be the one for me thus far. Some nights I could have a dozen drinks and not even feel it and on other days three or four would do me in. Again, it seems like more of a mental thing about whether or not I want to get drunk. If I’m away from home or know that I need to drive back, I can still maintain my composure reasonably well.
Based in recent conversations with some of my college friends (uhh.. you should know here that we were the non-drinking, highly studious and responsible types) more and more of them seem to be experimenting with inebriation. In fact, just this afternoon, I got a call from a friend who I have a lot of respect for and who I consider to be amongst one of the smartest people I have ever had the honor of working with… and what for? For recommendations on good drinks. Needless to say I was glad to oblige! 🙂
So any how back to vices. Everyone has them. It seems like we all need them. You can’t always be a Mr. or Mrs. Good Goody Gum Drops right? So now that I’ve tried chocolate as a vice and decided to move away from it, and been disappointed at the efficacy pf alcohol as a vice for me, I’m open to suggestions. Incessant blogging, hermitism, working out excessively (I’m still sore from the firecely competitive racquetball yesterday though!) seem to be good options so far, but I’m not sure I like either of those enough. I already spend too much time on the net, already spend too much time by myself and exercise as well.. so neither of those would be new and interesting enough.
What do you think??